Wednesday 18 March 2015

Sliding into hippiedom

One of the things I wanted to talk about here was the different steps I'm taking towards green living, sustainable living, hippie-dom, whatever term works for you.

So far, my successes include laundry detergent (OMG, so simple), making my own lotions (which I love, there's something so satisfying about feeling like a witch stirring up potions) and moving away from packaged/processed food.  This is all highly amusing to me, given that one of my very favorite facebook icons bears the caption "Domestically Disabled".  With a tiara, of course.

But I take my baby steps and do the things I know I can do and every now and then stretch a little outside the comfort zone.  Someone said to me once "good lord, no wonder you're tired if you're making your own laundry detergent" and it wasn't until I was home that I really figured out that it takes me less time to make than to drive to the store, find it, buy it and drive home.  Plus, as long as I have the ingredients...I'm never out of anything.

I'm sort of straddling the line between the 'mommy blogs' and the 'crunchy hippie' blogs and so far, I haven't found many others out there.  Or not that are writing highly popular blogs anyways.

I sort of want to be able to devote a lot of time to this, but I do have bills to pay, so I'm fitting it (as so many other things) around the edges.  I am, as always, a work in progress.