Sunday 28 June 2015

My summer projects

It's been a while...but here I am.

So I announced on Facebook that my summer projects this year would be to reread Stephen King in publication order (yes, even the ones I read once and never ever ever went back to [Apt Pupil, I'm dreading your turn.  Oh and that creepy mechanical monkey one.  Gahhh.])

I've finished the first three and wanted to get some thoughts down.  First of all, not really scary to me any more.  I remember 'Salem's Lot scaring the bejeebers out of me when I first read it -- in fact, I had received a cheap cross in the mail from some ad in the back of a tabloid and I taped it to the window in my bedroom.  Dead centre, as this seemed to have the most chance of working.  I believe that I read both Carrie and 'Salem's Lot way, way WAY too young (well before I was 12.  Possibly around 10, but I can't be sure) which happens when you read anything and everything.

Second, the writing is tight.  I'm used (now) to setting aside at least a couple of days of steady reading to get through a King novel and I powered through Carrie in probably 3 hours total of reading time.  Tight and everything just hangs together, man.  Events just slot into place, bang bang bang and that's it.  That's the only way that those stories could have been told.

Third, I was a tad hesitant to start this because it had been so very long since I read the early ones...what if I didn't enjoy them anymore?  Well, I did.  Not only is the writing good, the story is good too.  Even when King was writing in a coked out haze, the man could tell a story.

I've just started The Stand (uncut, all pages restored version) which is probably in my top 5 of his books.  (The other ones would be Duma Key, Gerald's Game, Shawshank Redemption and Danse Macabre)

And in the other half of my summer project...I have many tomatoes on my two wee plants (well, wee-ish) and my mint is still alive.  I have hopes for chocolate mint tea from my own garden.