Monday 19 September 2016

NetGalley reviews

I am a NetGalley reviewer, so this is just adding old reviews to get them all in one place.

So thanks to NetGalley, I was offered an ARC of “Magic Binds” to read and review. I've done the read, so here's the review.

This is definitely not the book to start the Kate Daniels series off with. Andrews is starting to tie in threads from all through the novels so if you're not familiar with the series (and you really should be! Go read it, this will wait), a lot of the plot will not make sense to you at all. I love this series and am very pleased with how Andrews is letting Kate and Curran grow and evolve. None of the magic seems to be of the “oh shit, plot point needed here” variety, it's all hanging together. 

The surrounding cast of characters are all fully realized and you get the sense that they're all off doing there own thing when the spotlight isn't on them, a nice touch.

Again, a great novel in a great series and I can't wait for the next one!!