Saturday 5 September 2020

A Killing Frost review

Seriously, Seanan McGuire just gets better and better. Toby's adventures are always logical in that somewhat sideways Faerie way and I love love love how tiny breadcrumbs from previous novels suddenly become either plot points or are tied up in a bow. The series is a favorite and Seanan McGuire is rapidly becoming one of my will read no matter what authors.

Toby is also one of my favorite characters, she is absolutely real in the ways that count. She screws up, sometimes about the same things over and over, she apologizes and means it and works to help her friends and tries to live a good life. Her definition of a good life may change from day to day (sometimes hour to hour), but doesn't ours?

Read this series from the start if you haven't and if you're already an October Daye fan, why are you reading this and not that? You're in for a treat.

I received an ARC ebook in exchange for my review.

#AKillingFrost #NetGalley