Saturday 11 July 2015

King in the Seventies

I am now through the seventies in King's oeuvre.  Which, really, didn't take that long.  With the exception of The Stand, none of the books are much over 350 pages.  They all move though.  Funnily enough, I had forgotten quite a bit about them, so a lot of this may be a nice surprise.  (I had, however, remembered a lot of the short stories...funny how one's mind works.)

I have noticed that a theme through all of these books (and, perhaps, through all the rest, once I really get going.  The eighties and nineties are when his books turned into pretty good jackleg doorstops.) seems to be Choice.  And Consequences.  Or, to phrase it how I heard it growing up "you made your bed, you lie in it".  To be fair, you're not going to have much of a book if Jack Torrence turns down the job at the Overlook.  Or if Carrie decides not to destroy her town.  So maybe it's not much of a theme, just a storytelling device.  But it was interesting to see this thread run through the books.

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