Thursday 31 December 2020

Tidying up the 2020 reviews part one: Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire

It should be no surprise by now that I am a huge fan of Seanan McGuire. She writes well, her characterizations are all very well done, her plots are fantastic and on rereads, you start to realize that she has Something to Say.

"Across the Green Grass Fields" is the latest installment in the Wayward Children series. It can be read as a stand-alone, the series proper starts with "Every Heart a Doorway", so if you're a completist, start there. One of the themes in this series, sometimes explicitly stated is the power that adults have over children and how, sometimes with the best of intentions, that power is abused. Not "abuse" as it's been coded in the past, but the more subtler forms.

Seanan's protagonists are aware of this power imbalance and sometimes are able to take the power back. Sometimes not, which while heartbreaking at points, is also much more honest.

I love this series and feel it gets richer with each addition and each reread.

I recieved an ARC ebook from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#NetGalley #AcrossTheGreenGrassFields

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