Sunday 17 April 2022

Claws for Suspicion by Deborah Blake

Claws for Suspicion is the third in the Catskill Pet Rescue mystery series by Deborah Blake. It’s a solid cozy and well written. Blake does a good job of subtly giving you enough backstory so that you don’t have to have read the previous two books without weighing down the story.

Kari is a sympathetic heroine, and the situation she’s in is perfectly plausible. I have a soft spot for animals and rescues, so this is right up my alley. I did figure out the twist pretty much off the bat, which is pretty rare for me, but that didn’t detract from my enjoyment.

This is a good, fast read and the solution works without having to make any wild leaps or twist previous events to fit the conclusion. Everything is there if you pay attention.

Supporting characters are well drawn and we’re getting to know the inhabitants of Kari’s world as more books come out. And, speaking as someone who lives in a small town, Blake absolutely nails it!

Recommended for anyone who likes cozies, animals and good reads.

NetGalley provided me with a promotion copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

#ClawsForSuspicion #NetGalley

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