Tuesday 12 April 2022

The Witch's Complete Guide to Self-Care by Theodosia Corinth

This is a fairly standard self-care book, but with a witchy twist to it.

Corinth runs through most of the "pampering" self-care suggestions -- hot baths, meditation, etc. -- and frames suggestions as 'communicating'. This is a neat way to frame her suggestions and I will be trying some of them. I did appreciate the nod to 'not everyone has a bathtub', as I haven't been able to have a comfortable bath in years. (We're moving, so I have hopes for bathing in the new house)

Other suggestions are built around finding a community (or coven), making a comfortable space for yourself and finding which occult tools work for you.

There's nothing terribly earth-shattering or brand new here, but Corinth writes well and I'll be going back over this and trying some things out. The illustrations are lovely and really compliment the book.

I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley, my views are my own.

The Witch's Complete Guide to Self-Care by Theodosia Corinth, Chartwell Books, c2021

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