Thursday 22 September 2022

Hex Twisting by Diana Rajchel

I consider myself to be still learning about Wicca, so am quite open to reading all sorts of Wiccan books. I was taken aback by this at first, having internalized "an it harm none, do as ye will". However, after some deliberation, I can see where this would be a very useful book.

Most Wiccans (and indeed, most people) don't usually wish harm to others, nor seek to do harm. There are some people though...and if you've ever encounted them, Hex Twisting will be an invaluable resource. Rajchel talks about the different kinds of hexes and where you might want to use the different kinds and why.

Rajchel also discusses how you might be able to find out if you've been hexed and counter-hexes to perform. She also discusses general ways to keep you and your space clear of influences.

A good choice for any Wiccan or Pagan library!

#HexTwisting #NetGalley

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