Friday 2 December 2022

The 30 Minute Gardener by Greg Loades

Packed full of gorgeous pictures, both of plants and garden in progress, “The 30-Minute Gardener” is more of a philosophy than a how to manual.

Loades speaks movingly and lovingly of the process of gardening, taking you through a year in the life. Tips and lists for each stage of the garden are laid out and explained well, and Loades never assumes your level of expertise. I found this inspiring for my upcoming move and have taken note of rose varieties he particularly recommends. (Princess Anne, Felicia, Lady of Shalott, Roald Dahl, The Lady Gardener)

I appreciated his way of writing as he lives in Britain and I live in Southern Alberta (as I write this, there is a good 18 inches of snow and it's been well below freezing for the last month) and I find it not discouraging exactly, but a little disheartening when I get into a gardening book and realize part way through that the author lives in such a different climate than I do that there's no way I can grow what they do.

“The 30 Minute Gardener” is well worth a read, it's a lovely soothing book that makes you think that yes, you can do this!

NetGalley provided me with an e-edition of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

#The30MinuteGardener #NetGalley

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