Monday 28 August 2023

The Navigating Fox by Christopher Rowe

Christopher Rowe has written a novella that opens a fascinating world. The Navigating Fox is a mix of quest fantasy and talking animals and somehow it all works together.

You're told as much as you need to know about the world and the quest to start with, without bogging you down in exposition. I found it a little hard to get into, but once I really dug into it, I couldn't put it down. It's very hard to describe this without going off on tangents (the buffalo! The Gates of Hell!), you really need to read this for yourself.

Take an afternoon, a cup of tea (or beverage of choice) and maybe a cookie or two and immerse yourself. You won't regret it.

I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest opinion.

Thursday 24 August 2023

Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher

T. Kingfisher hit automatic to-buy status pretty much after her first book. So every time a new book comes out, I celebrate a little bit (yes, even the horror! Best horror writer out there, I think.). This is not horror, (whew!) so I'll be rereading this one. And have.

A retelling of Sleeping Beauty, except there's a twist. An absolutely logical twist, once you figure everything out. I had to put the book down for a bit and just think about fairy tales for a while.

Loved this book, love the retellings of fairy tales (really, everything Kingfisher has written).

I would hand this to pretty much any fantasy reader from, say, twelve up. (Depending on the reader, of course)

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#Thornhedge #NetGalley

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree

Since Legends & Lattes became a comfort read of mine almost as soon as I finished the last page, I was thrilled to see that Travis Baldree was writing another book set in that world.

Bookshops and Bonedust did not disappoint. It's a prequel to L&L, so we see Viv as a very green (hah!) mercenary and her effect on a small town. This is cozy fantasy at its best – the writing is superb and you come to care about every character and their fate, even though no-one is searching for the Great Treasure of Zyquist or attempting to wield the Blood Sword of Thunder Fate. Sometimes you just need slow, intimate stories about orcs.

Definitely recommended and Baldree is now on my automatic to-buy list!

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#BookshopsBonedust #NetGalley

Tuesday 22 August 2023

A Power Unbound by Freya Marske

A Power Unbound by Freya Marske is the conclusion to The Last Binding trilogy and a spectacular conclusion it is. Marske's writing sweeps you into her world – Victorian England, but with magic!

Marske touches more on the class divisions in Victorian England than she did with the gender divisions, giving A Power Unbound greater depth. She also touches on some of the consequences of being openly gay in that time period, which I feel was a positive choice.

You could read and enjoy it without having read the first two books in the trilogy, Marske deftly inserts little catch-ups without making it seem clunky, but you will enjoy it more if you've read the first two. The stakes are high for our protagonists, both in their personal lives and the heist-adjacent storyline.

Everything comes to a staggeringly satisfactory conclusion and I can't wait for what Marske writes next. Off to reread the whole trilogy again!

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#APowerUnbound #NetGalley

Monday 21 August 2023

Spring's Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow

I will admit, I have not read a lot of Lilith Saintcrow, but what I have read, I've liked.

You don't need to be a Russian mythology expert to enjoy Spring's Arcana, you should be fine with what's floating around in common knowledge and Saintcrow provides explanations of some of the more esoteric bits.

Somewhat of a cross between a mob drama and a road trip/quest story, Spring's Arcana is a bit of a slow burn at first, but I couldn't put it down for the last few chapters. Looking forward to picking up the conclusion (it's out by now, this review is very late) and finding out what happens!

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#SpringsArcana #NetGalley