Tuesday 22 August 2023

A Power Unbound by Freya Marske

A Power Unbound by Freya Marske is the conclusion to The Last Binding trilogy and a spectacular conclusion it is. Marske's writing sweeps you into her world – Victorian England, but with magic!

Marske touches more on the class divisions in Victorian England than she did with the gender divisions, giving A Power Unbound greater depth. She also touches on some of the consequences of being openly gay in that time period, which I feel was a positive choice.

You could read and enjoy it without having read the first two books in the trilogy, Marske deftly inserts little catch-ups without making it seem clunky, but you will enjoy it more if you've read the first two. The stakes are high for our protagonists, both in their personal lives and the heist-adjacent storyline.

Everything comes to a staggeringly satisfactory conclusion and I can't wait for what Marske writes next. Off to reread the whole trilogy again!

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#APowerUnbound #NetGalley

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