Sunday 22 October 2023

Anything With Nothing edited by Mercedes Lackey

For Valdemar fans, this is a perfectly good anthology. What I particularly like about these is that the stories fit in between the books – filling in other little bits of background. Fiona Patton’s Watchmen stories are a prime example, there are 14 of the stories now and I (for one) would love to see either a collection or a novel.

But I digress. As with any anthology, you probably won’t love all the stories, but I did enjoy them all and will be dipping back in and out as my fancy takes me. Might be a little confusing to start here, but it wouldn’t be too bad, I don’t think. (As usual, I think you should start at the beginning of a series, but YMMV)

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#AnythingWithNothing #NetGalley

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