Wednesday 18 October 2023

Road Queens by MaryJanice Davidson

Road Queens is a cross between a heist, a rom-com, and a girl power movie and it is delightful. Davidson has a knack for creating characters that you would like to spend time with outside of the covers of the book they currently inhabit.

She explores the concept of ‘found family’ throughout this book and how you can be so furious at a loved one while simultaneously wanting to help them out. Funny, charming, acerbic where it needs to be, definitely check this one out! Not a series (AFAIK) so a good place to check her writing out if you haven’t before. (NB: Many of her earlier novels have been paranormal romance, so if that’s not your jam, skip them. Although you might want to give her a try, she’s a great writer!)

I received a free copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion.

#RoadQueens #NetGalley

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