Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm pretty sure that once you've been married (or cohabiting, I make no judgements here) for over 10-15 years, new flooring is just as romantic (or possibly more) than flowers, chocolate or other accoutrements.

I scored the deal of the year in January, enough boxes of laminate flooring to do our house for $100.  The living and dining room got done right away (since that's where most of the heavy stuff [read: filled bookcases] are) and today it's the kitchen/downstairs hallway's turn.  This is tremendously exciting to me, as the carpet in the kitchen is SO GROSS OMG!  As an acquaintance of mine said when I told her "I had carpet in the kitchen too at one time, you could have boiled it and lived off the broth for a year probably".  Yeah.

We're not doing the bathrooms or porch (although depending on how much is left, I may advance the possibility of doing the porch just to have it done) but the bedrooms are on the list as well.

So, flooring>flowers in my book.

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