Saturday 28 February 2015

It's the small things, really

I've learned to celebrate the small victories...and sometimes they are very small.  For instance, today, I am celebrating the fact that I've found BOTH the library books I thought I lost, taking the bottles and cans in for recycling and getting yet another bag together for the thrift store.  (Included in that is remembering that the DS system needed a cord to charge, finding said cord [also checking cord with DS] and putting the cord in the bag with the DS stuff.)

These have ripple effects in my house.  Getting the bottles and cans in clears up the breezeway so it's not quite an obstacle course to get inside, the DS/thrift store bag clears up another square foot of space in the living room and finding the books...well, that saves me money.

Another thing I've learned is not to disparage someone else's things they celebrate.  Something that I do on a regular basis may be the equivalent of hitting the peak of Everest to someone else and just because it doesn't seem like a big thing to me does not me that it is not celebration time.  I still remember being made to feel like a personal victory was really something that I should be ashamed of and I try to keep that in mind.  (To make matters worse, the person behind this was someone I counted as a friend pretty much right up until that time.)

Basically, as with so many other things in life, it comes down to 'don't be a dick'.

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