Monday 16 February 2015

Today I am...

feeling like I've accomplished something.  3 containers of body butter (2 for others, 1 for me) in containers and ready to go, 1 batch of cuticle butter cooling in the freezer so I can whip that up as well.  Kitchen not a complete disaster.

I love this body butter recipe, I've made it several times before and it always seems to turn out!  The cuticle butter is new, but along the same lines of the butter, so it should come together nicely.  I am somewhat astounded at the fact that every time I'm in the kitchen with my butters and oils and essential oils...everything seems to work!  I am edging up on the idea of doing some soaping as well, there's a rosemary/peppermint shampoo bar I want to try and one of my favorite sites just posted a lavendar/vanilla soap that looks amazing.

I've made soap before and as long as you take your time and don't rush, it's pretty easy.

The kitchen and downstairs hallway got the flooring laid this weekend, so now the downstairs is done.  We think we have enough to do the upstairs as well, and if not, I may be able to find some more laminate on the cheap.  It is chilly on my toes, but I think that in the long run I will come to love it dearly.  (And as I figured out, if I don't wear socks, the cold keeps my feet from swelling up, so win/win?)

Today will be going through all the stuff that got shoved into the dining room from the hallway, possibly sending at least 1 box to the thrift store and pondering again the fact that I so need to get all my recipes together so I can start to draft out a monthly meal plan and get ready to do some freezer cooking.  And getting ready to work tomorrow...there's a button calling my name somewhere.

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