Thursday 26 February 2015

The great tragedy of 2015....

So Tuesday night, my faithful Kobo ereader (seriously, BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVAR) decided that the left (back) button was not going to back at all, and the right (forward) button was going to advance me three to four pages every time I pushed it.  So I did what I usually do when electronics get the best of me, namely, said 'shit' and turned it off for the night.

It's still doing it.  And since this has the feel of 'actual malfunction' rather than just a software/upgrade issue, I think I'm kinda screwed.

Luckily, I do have a lost and found acquired Kindle that is perfectly useable.  All well and good, except that now I have 1000+ epub books to convert to Kindle format and sideload onto my Kindle.  Sigh.  I'm trying to look at this as "okay, now everything will be converted over, saved on the computer (and backed up) and organized and blah blah.".  There is a little voice in my head that just keeps shrieking "OMG OVER A THOUSAND FILES TO CONVERT" though.  (Possibly more than that, that's just the ones that I've loaded onto the Adobe library function on the computer, so there may be more lurking around the hard drive.)


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