Sunday 8 February 2015


So I have had a case of the 'creeping blargh' as I call it.  Not quite sick, not quite "well", just blargh.  I felt bad enough to call in sick at work Friday (trying to save up the energy to go to work Saturday when there is no backup) and that seemed to work.

Overall, though, I have been feeling blargh-y (or, as a coworker's brother says "malaise", which is a lot nicer and perhaps a little more grownup, especially if one is talking to one's doctor) for a very long time.  I have come up with a plan, though.  (You know me, I'm all about the plans)

Step one -- unplug from that thar intartubes as much as possible.  (Which is funny, considering that I've just started this blogging thing.  Haha.  My brain has great timing.)

Step two -- up my water intake.  Some of the blargh feelings could very well be subtle dehydration.  I have a very nice 3 litre jug with a pouring spout that I will very soon be filling up with water, a couple of Meyer lemons and maybe some mint leaves if the mint doesn't look too bad.  I'll start on that soon and we'll see how that goes.

Step three -- get back to going to the gym.  I would like to be hitting the gym six days a week -- Fridays I peel out of work as fast as I can to get out before all the crazy weekend people show up, and I'll be challenging a coworker and joining a work challenge if they run it again this year.

Step four -- plan out the meals a little better, up the vegetable/fruit intake. I do not believe that carbs are evil (aside, I also have a hard time believing that carbs=sugar, despite the many hours of increasingly high-pitched debate)  I also like real butter, cheese and salad dressing.  Yum yum.

I'll do that for a couple of months and if I still feel like I should be draped over a fainting couch...well, then I can go for my annual checkup and at least say "Dude, I'm drinking lots (sadly not alcohol, but I can if you think it would help....), going to the gym and I'm still blargh-y...can we do some sort of in-depth test here?"

In case any of you were on the edge of your seat about the pattern knitting from yesterday...the yarn is all wound up neatly waiting for me to start again.  I had a brief flirtation with the idea of knitting socks but have put that aside for right now.  (I have, somewhere, a pattern for chunky yarn socks.  Much more my style, although I may sneak back up on the actual sock pattern.  Maybe.  Or maybe I will just side-eye it until it grovels in submission.)

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